184 Days: Teaching Truths
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Christie Grandjean
I’m Christie, and I have been teaching for 27 years! I have a Master’s degree in Reading, and I have an Advanced Studies Certificate in RTI. I have taught both as a classroom teacher and as a strategist. My passion runs deep for learning, and I am so excited to be back in the classroom this year with my first grade students! Outside of teaching, I love to go hiking in the mountains, visiting with friends, and traveling to tropical locations.
Kerrie Allard
Kerri Allard, full-time teacher of 19 years; part-time HGTV & home design junkie. Throughout my teaching career, I’ve taught K-3, 5-6, & even survived a year of being a learning strategist/teacher coach. I’m passionate about project & problem-based learning, inquiry-based instruction, staying in your lane by unwrapping grade-level standards, & infusing humor, fun, & creativity into everything. My education includes a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, Master of Science in Education: Curriculum & Instruction, Gifted & Talented Education Certification, & Differentiated Instruction Certification. Currently working toward Master of Science: Educational Technology & Instructional Design concurrently with National STEM Teacher Certification. I live in Las Vegas with my husband, kids & four adorable little dogs.